Международната изложба за лозарство и винарство  ВИНАРИЯ е лидер сред деловите форуми за бранша не само в България, а и в Югоизточна Европа. Представя  колекциите на винарски изби и начини за атрактивно предлагане на продуктите. Показва нови технологии и оборудване за създаване на лозя, отглеждане и преработка на грозде, опаковане и съхранение на изделията.

Организатор:  Международен панаир Пловдив под егидата на Министерство на земеделието и храните на Република България

Основен партньор: Националната лозаро-винарска камара

Оценка: отговаря на световните стандарти – одобрена от Международната асоциация на изложбената индустрия (UFI)

Изложбата е част от ЕДИНСТВЕНИЯ НА БАЛКАНИТЕ МЕГАФОРУМ ЗА АГРОБИЗНЕС, ВИНО И ХРАНИ.  Броят на участниците и посетителите се увеличава всяка година заради ефективните маркетингови  възможности, които създава.

Уникалният ГРАД НА ВИНОТО –  арена на изисканите напитки и храни.  Оригиналният изложбен формат предоставя  обща сцена  за презентиране на  винарски изби, производители и търговци на хранителни продукти и подправки, деликатеси, гурме специалитети. Магията на виното и кулинарията разкриват своето очарование в атрактивна среда и завладяваща атмосфера, които привличат хиляди посетители.


  • Международна селскостопанска изложба АГРА със Специализирана изложба за биологично растениевъдство и животновъдство БИОАГРА
  • Международна изложба за храни и напитки, опаковки, машини и технологии ФУДТЕХ
  • Международна изложба за оборудване на хотели, ресторанти, кафетерии и търговски обекти ХОРЕКА ПЛОВДИВ
  • Изложба  на висококачествени италиански храни и вина ВКУСОВЕ ОТ  ИТАЛИЯ
  • Международна изложба за пчеларство АПИ БЪЛГАРИЯ

Мария Миланова
Отдел  Реклама
Пловдив 4000,
Бул. „Цар Борис III Обединител“ 37
Тел.     032/ 902 377
Моб. 0885/ 787 587
Mail: advertising@fair.bg
Web: www.fair.bg

Category: актуално 2023, вино изложения, начало | Коментарите са изключени за ВИНАРИЯ 2018

EXPO RIVE 2017 Pordenone Italy

RIVE – International show of wine-growing and cellar techniques Press Kit

RIVE is the biennial International Salon dedicated to wine-growing and oenology, which takes place in the exhibition centre of Pordenone Fiere from 12th to 14th December 2017.

From vine to wine, the fair showcases the best technology, products and techniques for viticulture as well as grape treatment and wine making.
The event – held every two years – has a vertical approach, from the vine all the way up to the wine, presenting the best technology, products and techniques, for viticulture and for grape treatment: FROM FIELD TO CELLAR.
As such, it is a SPECIALISED EXHIBITION: a landmark for the wine production chain, at a national and international level.

RIVE is also goes above and beyond a meeting for supply and demand thanks to ENOTREND, which represents the added value to the project: a space for workshops, in-depth examination and seminars on new tendencies in grapevine culture, technical innovations, research & development under the guidance of a Scientific Committee made up of experts, university professors and illustrious industry representatives.
The goal will be to guide and inspire participants by sparking discussion sharing to offer a significant contribution to the evolution of the industry.

RIVE is the perfect occasion to get to know vine-growers, managers of semi-finished product transformation businesses, wine-makers, private cellars and wine cooperatives, oenologists, vine-growing and wine-making consultants and experts, suppliers, and insiders in general, all this to create new business opportunities and synergies through the detailed study of researches and innovative technologies aimed toward the optimisation of the end-product assembly.

The verticality of the fair, the high level of the experts involved, the strategic position in north-eastern Italy, which boasts worldwide excellency in grafted-vine production and in the sparkling process (Prosecco Valley): all these features transform RIVE into an unmissable event not just for national, but also for international professionals.

RIVE is aimed at a highly specialised national and international audience: wine growers, managers of companies of semi-finished product-processing, winemakers, private cellars and wine cooperatives, wine experts, consultants and experts of viticulture and wine-making, and with distributors.

VISITING RIVE means seizing the opportunity to find new business opportunities and synergies, and to examine themes subject of daily debate between offer and supply, as well as taking part in technical and scientific examination linked to industry evolution.
International origin will be focused mainly upon eastern Europe, central Europe and the other highly productive areas in the wine-industry (Spain, Argentina, California, South Africa, Cile, Australia, etc.)
Specific attention will be payed to enologists, who are the main influencers on the farming process as well as on wine-making, and to agronomists.

Category: вино изложения, начало | Коментарите са изключени за EXPO RIVE 2017 Pordenone Italy


RIVE 2017 will be held on 12th-13th-14th December 2017, in the trade center of Pordenone, in Viale Treviso 1. From vine to wine, from the field to the cellar: Rive 2017 will be a unique event at an international level in the wine sector, a benchmark for the entire industry.


RIVE 2017 is not just an occasion to match demand and supply. The aim of the event is to open new channels of communication between the parties involved, creating insights and let an exchange of know-how arise which can remain active even beyond the time and physical limits of the exposition.

Enotrend is the project that contains the added value of RIVE 2017: a space devoted to workshops, discussions and seminars on new trends in the field of vine culture, technical innovations, research & development. The project provides a place of virtual knowledge exchange and different occasions for the real meeting of experts at the highest level. Enotrend was born of a Scientific Committee composed of prestigious names of the Academy and of the Italian wine world. The group gave impetus to the works on December 2nd, with the first meeting and election of the President, unanimously voted in the person of Professor Attilio Scienza.

Enotrend: blogs, seminars, conferences, and workshops
The virtual part of Enotrend project is already active: there is a blog on which you can find news and information on viticulture, winemaking and oenology, with the valuable contributions of the Scientific Committee.
On odd years, Enotrend will be hosted in the Rive spaces where it will come to life in the form of workshops in which winemakers and agronomists will be able to confront and widen their training, under the guidance of a Scientific Committee composed of distinguished scholars from Research Institutes and prestigious Italian Universities.
On even years, Enotrend will be a stand-alone event, with conferences, workshops, meetings, in itinerant headquarters, not only in the Triveneto area, but also throughout Italy.

If you arrive by plane:
Trieste, Venice and Treviso international airports are 50 minutes by highway from Pordenone.

Chiara Bonan Advisionair
press office 2017
tel. +39 348 7727840

Simona Maldarelli Pordenone Fiere
tel. +39 0434 232111
direct +39 0434 232292
cell. +39 335 7024597

Category: вино изложения, начало | Коментарите са изключени за ENOTREND EXPO RIVE 2017

DiVino.Taste 2017

През ноември 2017 DiVino.Taste отново ще се събере най-добрите български изби на едно място. И тази година форумът ще е в Националния дворец на културата, но този път в зали 7, 8, 9.

Запазете си 17, 18 и 19 ноември, защото през тези три дни в София отново ще се говори за българското вино.

Всеки винен познавач, ценител и ентусиаст ще може да се запознае с винарите и техните най-добри вина. DiVino.Taste ще ви помогне да откриете над 400-те вина от над 60 български изби.

Divino.Taste e най-големият форум на качественото българско вино. Ако искате да научите повече за това какво е Divino.Taste, да видите историята на изложението или да се запознаете с организаторите посетете сайта http://taste.bg

Освен изложението в рамките на DiVino.Taste 2017 ще се проведат традиционните майсторски класове и лекции на форума. Винените изследователи и професионалисти ще говорят по важни и интересни теми, подкрепени от дегустации на подбрани бутилки, повечето от които е невъзможно да се опитат на друго място в България. Програмата ще обявим на 12 октомври.

На Divino.Taste ще може да посетите и свободната зона където ще бъдат разположени щандове с лека храна, безалкохолни напитки и кафе, информационни пунктове на партньорите и организаторите.

Станете част от тази тридневна емоция, която ще завладее София между 17 и 19 ноември!

Последвайте събитието и ще научавате първи всяко нова информация и ще се запознаете предварително с всички участници!

Повече за DiVino.Taste 2017, вижте и на http://taste.bg

Очаквайте on-line продажбата на билети да стартира на 12 октомври 2017 на https://www.vintageclub.bg

Category: вино изложения, начало | Коментарите са изключени за DiVino.Taste 2017


Дата на провеждане: 8 – 11.11.2017 г.
Периодичност: Ежегодно
Поредност: 16-о издание
Място на провеждане: Интер Експо Център – София
Профил на изложбата: Вина, спиртни напитки и аксесоари
Целева група: Специалисти и широка публика
Организатори: Интер Експо Център, Национална лозаро-винарска камара

САЛОН НА ВИНОТО е утвърдена ежегодна платформа за ползотворни бизнес контакти.

Изложението допринася за разширяване и утвърждаване на пазарните позиции на българските вина в страната и чужбина. Събитието е и предпочитано място за дегустации на елитни и качествени вина и спиртни напитки от най-висок клас, повишаване на винената култура на потребителите, както и популяризиране на виното сред неговите ценители. Български и чуждестранни винопроизводители, енолози, сомелиери и търговци се събират в рамките на четирите изложбени дни, за да осъществят директни контакти с дистрибутори, ресторантьори и крайни клиенти.


  • Селектирани вина с най-добро качество
  • Нови партиди и търговски марки с неповторим аромат и вкус
  • Бутикови серии вина
  • Продукти от грозде
  • Спиртни напитки
  • Специализирани миялни машини

Паралелно със САЛОН НА ВИНОТО в шестте зали на Интер Експо Център ще се проведат международните изложения МЕСОМАНИЯ, СВЕТЪТ НА МЛЯКОТО, БУЛПЕК, ИНТЕРФУД & ДРИНК и СИХРЕ.

⇒Заявете участие сега – направете крачка напред във Вашия бизнес!

Ръководител проект
Aся Найденова

mail: food-exhibitions@iec.bg
Телефон: + 359 (2) 9655 274
Факс: + 359 (2) 9655 230, + 359 (2) 4013 230

Маркетинг и реклама
Ирена Варакаджиев

mail: igeorgieva@iec.bg
Телефон: +359 (2) 9655 201
Факс: + 359 (2) 9655 230, + 359 (2) 4013 230

Category: вино изложения, начало | Коментарите са изключени за САЛОН НА ВИНОТО 2017 СОФИЯ

Wine Trade Fair ENOEXPO 2017 in Krakow

The 15th International Wine Trade Fair in Krakow ENOEXPO® is the most important and the biggest, fully professional event integrating wine industry in Poland. The Trade Fair is organised together with 25th International Trade Fair of Hotel and Catering Equipment HORECA® and 15th Food and Drinks for Catering Trade Fair GASTROFOOD®. This perfect combination brings possibility to present wines to Polish consumers from HoReCa sector and to find a distributor for this developing market.

Every year ENOEXPO becomes more popular both domestically and internationally. Last year edition gathered 174 exhibitors from 20 countries: Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, France, Greece, Georgia, Spain, Kosovo, Lithuania, Germany, Portugal, Romania, RPA, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, UK and Italy; with almost 13 thousand industry professionals coming to visit this unique event.


Iwona Miliszkiewicz-Bielak
Team Leader/Project Manager


ph: +48 12 651 90 30
mob: +48 501 691 235
fax: +48 12 644 61 41

Category: вино изложения, начало | Коментарите са изключени за Wine Trade Fair ENOEXPO 2017 in Krakow

World Bulk Wine Exhibition 2017

More than 75% of the bulk wine exported worldwide will be represented at the World Bulk Wine Exhibition

Producers from 22 different countries will participate in the 9th WBWE, the largest fair in the entire world devoted to
the trade of large volumes of wine

Almost every country in the world, which produces bulk wine (Germany, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Chile, China, USA, Slovakia, Spain, France, Georgia, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Malaysia, Moldavia, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, United Kingdom and South Africa) will be represented at the WBWE, in a year of special importance for the whole international sector.

Due to low harvests worldwide, the WBWE has become a meeting point of vital importance for producers ─in order to maintain their ranking in the industry─ and who look for a better grape price, higher crop profitability and a brighter future for their wines. Those who miss out this event might lose a crucial opportunity for their business future.

Quality plays a key role at this year’s fair, because the participating purchasers increasingly require added value regarding bulk wines, and also quality and differentiation with regard to other products. Little by little the social perception of bulk wine as a quality wine is gaining foothold; and, from the WBWE, as the world’s major trade fair devoted to this business, we cannot help but feel proud of ourselves for having contributed to improving not only this perception, but the wine quality itself, which is greater every year

Nowadays, almost 40% of the wine that is exported on a global scale is in bulk; it is a trend that will not cease to expand, because there is an increasing awareness of the importance to bottle in destination for commercial purposes, but also due to issues of environmental responsibility because to bottle in destination helps to reduce carbon footprints.

Between 70 and 80% of the bulk wine that is exported can be found at this trade fair, making the WBWE the right place to be if you don’t want to miss out on the vital importance for the business and the future of producers.


The WBWE is the first and largest fair in the world devoted to the business of large volumes of wine; so its success is not only to bring the great producers and purchasers from around the world, but to dedicate a significant part of its fabric to the dialogue between the main players in the business and related sectors: top level conferences, unique tastings, masterclasses, a scientific research competition, delicatessen and product areas and, above all, one of the great successes alongside the fair: the International Bulk Wine Competition, the only one in the world created to promote this category of wines, and which guarantees greater knowledge and transparency regarding the quality of large volumes of wine.

On this 9th edition, the WBWE launches two new features that may just revolutionize the industry. On the one hand:

The Bulk Wine Club, the largest forum for the industry’s professionals. The Bulk Wine Club is a club devoted to being the meeting place for information and business of the bulk wine industry; but it is also an informative forum destined to allow direct access available for our members, and in real time, to what is happening within our sector worldwide: sales data, prices, commercial flow and trends.

On the other: another great feature is the creation of a Master program: “The art of Blending Wine”. It is an advanced seminar for professionals from the sector, who would like to educate themselves, share knowledge, techniques and methods, over a period of two days, with some of the most renowned speakers from around the world.

Michel Rolland (France), Anita Oberholster (USA), Hervé Romat (France), Franke Smulders (The Netherlands) or Brian Peters (UK) are some of the oenologists and consultants, who will participate in this intensive, practical and professional program, through which the art of coupage will be further developed through workshops, talks and masterclasses.


The World Bulk Wine Exhibition is aimed at producers and purchasers of bulk wine, wineries, distilleries, importers, distributors, retailers, international chains, dealers, media, etc.

The main objective of the World Bulk Wine Exhibition is to ensure that each participating exhibitor, who presents their varieties of quality bulk wine, has the best possible international showcase for their products. This is a goal that has been achieved thanks to our commitment to attract buyers from all over the world. The WBWE is an event of strategic importance not only due to the dates or the place where it is held, nor for its capacity to gather international trade operators, but for its 360 degree global vision on what the bulk wine sector has to offer.

The 9th WBWE will take place on the 20th and 21st of November 2017 at the Amsterdam’s RAI: an exclusive space where, during the last eight years, the main producers and purchasers from all over the world have gathered for the most intense business days of the year.

Check out all the rates and space rental possibilities on our website:


 For further information, please contact:

Cristina Villar Miranda
Communications Manager





Category: вино изложения, начало | Коментарите са изключени за World Bulk Wine Exhibition 2017

World Bulk Wine Exhibition The Art Of Blending

The The World Bulk Wine Exhibition (WBWE) is the most important wine fair worldwide in terms of business transactions focusing 85% of the global supply for bulk wine. It is a business forum for international wine purchasers and suppliers on “neutral ground” in Amsterdam every year in the month of November. A unique place to share the great quality and variety of bulk wine with leading international importers.

The ninth WBWE will be held on the 20th and 21st of November at the Amsterdam’s RAI, the place where, for the last eight years, the main producers and wine buyers worldwide have gathered for two days of intense commercial trade.

Michel Rolland (France), Anita Oberholster (USA), Hervé Romat (France), Franke Smulders (The Netherlands) and Brian Peters (UK) are some of the experts who will launch the first edition of The Art of Blending Wine

The 1st international seminar on the technique of coupage will be held on the coming 20th and 21st of November in Amsterdam, within the framework of the WBWE

To know the impact of different oenological products and techniques on winemaking; to know how products and techniques work on different finished wines and choose the most appropriate depending on the profile sought; to prepare wines for ageing in barrel; to elaborate base wines for sparkling wines; to bottle private label for large supermarket chains; to bottling for specific trading areas; to adjust and correct nuances of wines; to enhance quality scents and eliminate defective ones; to balance wines taking into account the pH, the alcoholic strength, the sensation of sweetness, body and fat… These are just some of the objectives with which The Art of Blending Wine was born. The Art of Blending Wine is an advanced seminar for professionals, who would like to educate themselves, share knowledge, techniques and methods, over a period of two days, with some of the most renowned speakers from around the world.

The Art of Blending Wine will be held on the coming 20th and 21st of November in Amsterdam, within the framework of the largest fair for the wine business: the World Bulk Wine Exhibition.

The first edition of this exclusive seminar will involve the participation of professionals from seven different nationalities and some of the most prominent companies and institutions from the sector, such as the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin – Unité de Recherche INRA, Bordeaux (France), the University of California, Davis (USA), the Universidad Rovira i Virgili (Spain) or Sektkellerei Am Turm Deidesheim-Speyer GmbH (Germany).

Places for the 1st edition of The Art of blending Wine are very limited. Book your place now if you don’t want to miss the opportunity to participate in this experience.


Category: вино изложения, начало | Коментарите са изключени за World Bulk Wine Exhibition The Art Of Blending