
Registration: 6/29/2016 – 11/15/2016
Judging: 11/15/2016 – 11/16/2016

Fee Schedule:
online: $60, offline (paper): $70 from 6/29/2016 to 9/23/2016
online: $65, offline (paper): $75 from 9/23/2016 to 11/15/2016


Established in 1990, it is the only wine-judging event in North America that is based on Terroir. Judges taste wines with other wines of the same appellation. Thus, with cross-regional competition removed, the inherent quality of wines can be seen without the influences that sometimes eclipse even a wine of very high quality. GHA recognizes wine entries that best exemplify the terroir of their respective viticultural areas, and acknowledges its influence on wine quality. A medal in this wine competition not only gives your wine prestige and selling power, it adds talking points in your retail room. A win in Grand Harvest can put your wine into a whole new sales category.

Even More Info:
competition website

Shipping Information:

Wine shipments must arrive at Wine Country Shipping by November 7, 2016.
Clearly mark boxes on all sides for “2016 Grand Harvest Awards Entry”. Please ship four (4) (750 ml. or equivalent) bottles per wine type entered. Ship wine to:

2016 Grand Harvest Award Challenge
c/o Wine Country Shipping
7686 Bell Road
Windsor CA, 95492

Wine Country Shipping can be reached at (707) 836-7748

Competition Contact:
Debra Del Fiorentino
415 640-6337
Download Shipping Labels

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Indy International Wine Competition 2016

INDY logo 2016

The 25th annual Indy International Wine Competition will be held August 3-4, 2016.

Over 2,000 entries from 11 countries and 40 US states will be evaluated by our distinguished judges at the 2016 INDY International Wine Competition. Wine writers and winemakers, winegrowers and enologists, chefs and sommeliers, wine distributors, retailers and consumers meet every year in the heart of America, a truly central place for your wines to be seen and recognized.

Why enter the Indy International?

  • Awards medals that are highly regarded in the eyes of consumers and wine writers
  • Offers exceptional value and maximum exposure to national and international media
  • Provides professional feedback from leading wine experts
  • Increases your wine’s retail value
  • Supports wine research

Deadline to enter: Saturday, July 30, 2016

Judging Dates: August 3 – August 4, 2016


Christian E. Butzke, Chief Judge
Jill Blume, Executive Director


Enter the Wine Competition
Deadline: July 30, 2016

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Cathay Pacific 2016

Welcome to the brand new look of the Cathay Pacific HKIWSC!

Asia’s premier wine and spirit competition is excited to bring you a fresh new look for 2016.

Make sure to take a look at the 2016 brochure for all the information on this year’s competition. Don’t forget the entry deadline this year is September 2nd – enter online now

For shipping information, please visit our website here in order to get your products to our dedicated cellars in time for judging in October.

Read on for a special Q&A with whisky expert and judge Eddie Nara, as well as insights into the Hong Kong market from competition director Debra Meiburg MW.


  • 2nd SeptemberEntry Deadline
  • 5th – 28th September –  Delivery to Crown Wine Cellars
  • 3rd – 7th OctoberJudging
  • 4th – 6th October – Test Your Palate Consumer Wine Tasting Event
  • 10th-12th NovemberResults at the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair

    Understanding Asia,by Debra Meiburg
    Local Drinkers: Closing the Gap in Hong Kong

    Debra Meiburg gives her insights into the Hong Kong market, the first of a number of articles written by our competition director.“As anyone with a basic understanding of Hong Kong demographics can tell you, trying to build a sustainable wine market on expats is like designing a children’s wear line that only fits one year-olds- there’s a built-in limit to the consumer base, and it’s an ever-changing one at that. “

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The Global Riesling Masters 2016


You can now enter your Riesling into The Drinks Business Global Masters competition. This tasting will identify the best examples of Riesling from all around the world in every style and price range.

Unlike other international competitions, The Global Masters series is judged by grape variety rather than country. Every wine will be measured on the taste of its grape and the skill of its winemaker.

All Global Masters are judged blind by the finest palates in the world – a panel of Masters of Wine, Master Sommeliers and senior buyers only. The best competing wines will be awarded medals from Bronze through to Gold, and ultimately “Master” for exceptional examples.

The calibre of the judges guarantees international recognition of all the medals awarded.

Download Entry Form

The administration fee is £140 per entry.

For more information please contact:
Chloé Beral on +44 207 803 2437, or by email on

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VinAgora International Wine Competition 2016



As an event organizing company for two decades now, we have been working for the development of Hungarian wine culture, the strengthening of the domestic wine trade, and for increasing the international popularity of Hungarian wines. Since the foundation of Budapest Wine Festival – the first national wine festival in the country – in 1992, the range of our activities has been continuously widening with services provided both to winelovers and winemakers.
Our major event to date, Budapest Wine Festival attracts tens of thousands of visitors to the Buda Castle from all over the world, and it is a unique festival even by European standards. We believe that the combination of the world heritage setting, and the assortment of premium local wines can greatly contribute to the acknowledgment of Hungarian wines in the world market and to a more pronounced image of the country as a popular travel destination.
In the past few years, our other wine festival, Rosalia, has also emerged as one of the favorite events in the pre-summer season. Every year in early May, it is a close-to-complete line-up of rosé and sparkling wines that ensure an easy-going, graceful atmosphere under the trees of the Gesztenyés garden in Buda.
Besides our open-air festivals, we are proud of VinAgora International Wine Competition, the largest and the only international competition of Hungary, that we have been organizing for twenty years. The public tasting event of the competition is the VinAgora Wine Gala held late June, where around thousand wine conoisseurs can compare their own judgement with that of the official jury.
A popular service provided to Hungarian winemakers is our aid in managing the application and sample delivery processes to all major international wine competitions. Also, upon request, and based on assortment tasting we make suggestions about which competition to apply to with which wines.

Event Coordinator
Project Manager

Hungarian Viti- and Viniculture Nonprofit Ltd.
(Magyar Szőlő- és Borkultúra Nonprofit Kft.)
HU 1124 Budapest, Somorjai u. 21.
Mobile:  +36-20 424-6701
Phone:  +36-1 203-8507; Fax:  +36-1 700-1610
E-mail:;  Skype:
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AWC 2016 logo



April, 11th – May, 1st, 2016


International market leader of the officially recognized quality – awards
Every year over 1700 producers out of 40 countries benefit from the quality evaluation of awc vienna.

Global Advertising with EU – Approval
awc vienna is officially approved by the EU to organize wine competitions for the purpose of granting wine awards. Advertise with „awc vienna medals“ applied on your wine bottles!
11.611 Wines from 40 Countries (awc vienna 2015)
11.611 Wines from all five continents offer you a real challenge.

Absolute Blind Tasting
All wines will be tasted in single cabins and anonymously (blind tasting) by an international jury. This offers a fair chance for every wine!

Moderate Participation Fees
In the international comparison favorable participation fee of € 60.– (for participants in Austria and in the EU: +20% VAT) per wine sample and the awc vienna extra discount: If a wine producer submits 6 wine samples, 3 more wine samples are for free.

***Stars Winery – evaluation of awc vienna
For the ***stars evaluation of wineries, the points of the six highest rated wines of a winery will be added up.

Attractive Prize Money
awc vienna is the only wine competition that offers prize money in total value of € 8.000.–

Timetable AWC 2016
AWC Vienna 2016
Kontakt / Contact

Mr Michael Bauer

AWC Vienna 2016
Tel: + 43 / 1 / 88 90 692
Fax: + 43 / 1 / 88 60 181

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Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada 2016

SMC logo 2016


Nowadays, your wines need to be known and renowned in order to be popular with customers. Consumers are busy and they do not spend time researching before buying a wine. They buy wines they are familiar with or wines which seem trustworthy.

As for wine, consumers are looking for a sticker, placed in full view on the bottle, which certifies that the wine was awarded a medal by international professional wine tasters. The increase in numbers of wine tasting competitions indicates that these represent a very efficient marketing method. This is why Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada offers you and your wines a high level of credibility and outreach.

This is what Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada (SMV Canada) offers you. SMV Canada increases the notoriety of your wines near million consumers, in particular in North America.

Important Deadlines

Opening of registration: January 11, 2016
Closing of registration: April 30, 2016
Deadline of sample reception: May 6, 2016
Results on line : June 8, 2016
Reception by email of your own results: June 27, 2016

Contact us:

Nancy Rossi
Directrice Générale
Ligne directe : +1 -450-904-1780

International Wine Championship
Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada
Tel: 1 418 263-0407
Fax: 1 418 683 2899
Email :

Follow-us on facebook

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BULLES EXPO. Le salon 100% effervescent. 20&21 Juin 2016. Parc Floral de PARIS 

Bulles Expo 2016

20 & 21 Juin 2016 – Parc Floral – PARIS
Bulles Expo a déjà séduit plus de 120 exposants !

Nous vous attendons pour cette grande première mondiale…

EXPOSANTS: 3 bonnes raisons de réserver votre stand

1) Rencontrer 5 à 6 000 acheteurs et prescripteurs venus du monde entier

2) Bénéficier de l’image, et de l’art de vivre de Paris,

3) Deux jours de salon prolongés par un an de présence sur le salon virtuel BULLES EXPO.


VISITEURS: 3 bonnes raisons de vous inscrire

1) Parcourir 10 000m² d’exposition, la plus grande vitrine de vins effervescents,

2) Participer aux conférences, aux dégustations commentées,

3) Décrypter, comprendre le développement du marché des vins effervescents.



Paris est toujours une fête !

 GFA Events / Bulles Expo – 8 cite Paradis – 75 493 Paris Cedex 10 – France
 Tel : +33 4 67 02 40 26 –
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Féminalise World Wine Competition 2016

Femilise 2016 logo

Féminalise, the up and coming competition!

In countries where wine is drunk in large quantities, 70% of wine purchases are done by women for their household.*
The Féminalise competition is based on an original concept: a competition where wines are exclusively tasted by women!
This original competition of wines made by men and women takes place every year in April in Beaune, France, and awards Féminalise Gold, Silver or Bronze medals to the best wines.
With its original concept and unique tasting system where each person tastes a different wine than their neighbor, therefore allowing no commentary or influence.


NEW IN 2016:
–> Globalized in 2015, in 2016 the competition opens up to French wines (VDF) and foreign table wines.
–> The Féminalise competition on April 14, 2016 is honored to have as its president,
Ludivine Griveau, Estate Manager at the Hospices de Beaune.
–> In addition, wines which have been awarded a medal in 2016 will have the possibility of participating in an event Féminalise – Vinexpo Hong Kong on May 25, 2016 during a special event also in the exceptional presence of Ludivine Griveau.

Already 664 tasters with 12 different nationalities are signed up for the 10th anniversary edition of Féminalise which will take place on April 14, 2016 at the Palais des Congrès in Beaune, and registration of wines is open from December to February 27.

Who will win the Féminalise Gold, Silver or Bronze medals this year?
The women have the answer. Results on April 19, 2016!

Dates to remember?
• Last day of registration: February 27, 2016
• Deadline for reception of samples: March 5, 2016
• Feminalise World Competition: April 14, 2016
• Publication of results: April 19, 2016

FEMINALISE2016-Banniere agenda-180x150 v1Féminalise World Wine Competition
BP 1 – 71510 St Léger-sur-Dheune

Contact: Stéphanie BRISSON
Telephone: 33 (0)3-85-45-50-80
Fax: 33 (0)3-85-45-28- 83

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IWC 2016 Tranche 2

IWC 2016 Tranche 2 is now open for entries.

The countdown to the IWC 2016 has started! All entries must be submitted by 3 March 2016 in order to be considered for the 2016 competition. This is your final chance to be in with a chance of winning an IWC 2016 medal!
The IWC is the world’s most respected blind-tasted wine competition, the results of which are highly anticipated around the world.

Entering the IWC 2016 offers the fantastic opportunity for your wines to gain international recognition by some of the greatest media titles including AOL, MailOnline, Stylist, The Daily Telegraph, The NZ Herald, Corriere della Sera and more.

map IWC

In 2015, the IWC PR campaign reached over 1.2 billion readers and 2016 is set to be bigger.

Enter Here

IWC 2016 logo

We look forward to receiving your entries.

The IWC Team
Kate Labate
– International Sales Manager
+44 (0)1293 846511

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